Irenaeus on the Eucharist IA discussion of Irenaeus’s remarks on the Eucharist in Against Heresies IV, 18.Aug 26, 20211Aug 26, 20211
Why not Real Presence?Biblical, philosophical, and theological arguments against a doctrine of the Real Presence.Aug 20, 20211Aug 20, 20211
The Eucharist in the DidacheThe understanding of the eucharistic meal in the Didache is suggestive of and consonant with Zwinglianism.Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
What is the Eucharist?Explaining and defending a Zwinglian or memorialist conception of the Lord’s Supper.Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021
“Whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven”An interpretation of Christ’s words to Peter in the Gospel according to Matthew 16:19.Jul 15, 20211Jul 15, 20211
Ignatius on the Eucharist? Part IIInterpreting another passage on the Eucharist from the writings of Ignatius of Antioch.Jul 6, 20211Jul 6, 20211
Ignatius on the Eucharist?A discussion of a passage from Ignatius’s Epistle to the Romans.Jul 6, 20212Jul 6, 20212
Self-knowledge and the infallibility of the ChurchA dialectic on the infallibility of the teaching of the Church.Jun 12, 20211Jun 12, 20211
Theology and ideology in Roman Catholic apologeticsRoman Catholic theology and apologetics can sometimes engage in ideological non-thinking.Jun 8, 20212Jun 8, 20212
The Holy Spirit and the “One True Church”An apostolic argument against the notion of a “one true church.”May 29, 20213May 29, 20213